Carlos Arredondo, Carlos, Arredondo, Chile, Scotland, music, poetry, culture, Latin America  

Vida en Escocia

Es hacer tantas cosas en mas de cuarenta años de vivir en este hermoso país: trabajar, estudiar, hacer música y tratar de contar una experiencia de exilio chileno a partir de mi propia historia.

Como no recordar a Manuel López compañero comunista asesinado el 22 de Junio de 1987 en Nicaragua a donde había ido, con toda su voluntad, a dar su granito de arena con sus conocimientos de agricultura para ayudar con dos proyectos la revolución Sandinista? Manuel era un especialista en suelos y fertilizantes. Fue asesinado en un ataque terrorista llevado a cabo por la llamada Contra y apoyada por la CIA.

Le conocí como una persona de suave hablar en Glasgow, en Drumchapel, donde vivieron muchos chilenos. Vivió aquí con su mujer y una pequeña hija. Llegó en el 74 a estudiar a Aberdeen desde la Unión Soviética y con una beca del WUS ( World University Service) aprete aquí para Manuel López

En varias ocasiones estuve en la Radio de Escocia para tomar parte en sus programas o para entrevistarme acerca de la situación de Chile o para tocar y cantar.

Grabaciones en la radio.

en Londres. "Detailed reflections of an adventure in London" which is my own account about a football match in London between Chile and England in February of 1998. In October of the same year, however, General Augusto Pinochet was detained in the same city and my original story took another dimension.

On the 11th February of 1998 Chile beat England at Wembley 2-0. My son and I were at the game in London. It had been an excellent Chilean victory and understandably I was very happy .Soon after the game I began to write a story about it, after all, I always love football. Since I was a small boy I used to play a lot of football in my barrio with my friends I was their goalkeeper. On the 16th of October of 1998, months after the football game, came the new about the detention of General Pinochet in London. Millions in Chile and around the world were immensely happy with the news. The Chilean Government of la Concertacion was furious as well as million of Chilean supporters of the General who cared less for the terrible suffering of so many Chileans families at the hand of the Chilean Armed Forces and the Police. The Pinochet Dictatorship was not a joke in the history of our country. The Chilean Government of the day never had a commitment to punish Pinochet and many others. The dictator was in Chile untouchable but fortunately not for the international community dealing with Human Rights abuses. It was clear to me, that I have to do something more with football story I had already written. It was right and proper for me to do that, after all, the Chileans football stadiums had been used, by this friend of Mrs Thatcher, to detain, torture and killed thousands of Chileans. This story of mine goes back and forwards, up and down and everywhere like a ball in a football pitch. Click here to see some brief details about the game at Wembley, click here for some details about the Chilean National Stadium in Santiago and here to see an interesting gallery about Pinochet's detention in London in 1988.

Detalladas reflexiones de una aventura en Londres. Historia que comienza en el estadio de Wembley el 11 de Febrero de 1988. Chile le gana a Inglaterra 2-0, pero el 16 de Octubre de 1998 Pinochet viene detenido en Londres y sabiendo yo muy bien lo sucedido en los estadios de Chile bajo su sangrienta dicadura, escribi la historia de abajo.

Click aqui for Dedicaciones
Click aqui for Prólogos
Click aqui for Wembley 1
Click aqui for Wembley 2
Click aqui for Wembley 3
Click aqui for Wembley 4
Click aqui for Epílogo

Una linda carta de agradecimiento de Vlademir Vega (QPD)dirigente del Chile Democratico que reconoce mi trabajo en Escocia.

1987, A lovely letter of thanks, in Spanish, and for the cultural work I do in Scotland,
from Vladimir A. Vega the cultural officer belonging to the Chilean Exile Organization: Chile Democratico.

  Carlos Arredondo, Carlos, Arredondo, Chile, Scotland, music, poetry, culture, Latin America